Mesothelioma Cure - What are the Options?

Mesothelioma Cure - What are the Options?

Up until this day, there is no proven mesothelioma cure. Mesothelioma comes in various varieties and affects different vital organs. It is a stubborn and aggressive form of cancer, such that it is very difficult to deal with the disease. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos without adequate protection. It usually affects the linings that protect the internal organs, where asbestos fibers initiate plaque formation. It tends to stay latent for years such that by the time it is diagnosed, it is already difficult to cure. However, there are a number of treatment options that can prolong and improve the quality of life of a victim.

If diagnosed early, mesothelioma cure may be possible through surgery. If the diagnosis comes later, a mesothelioma cure can be sought through a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The treatment options for this type of cancer focuses mainly on destroying the malignant cancer cells while preserving the healthy one. The recommended treatment will depend on many factors such as the type of mesothelioma, the location and size of the tumor, the stage of the cancer, the physical health and age of the patient, and the degree of spread (metastasis) of the cancer.

The first step to seeking a mesothelioma cure is to see a number of doctors, which includes a pulmonologist (for lung mesothelioma), an oncologist and a radiologist. A series of diagnostic tests will follow, usually involving x-rays, CT-scans, MRIs and biopsies. These tests are confirmatory tests that will determine what the best treatment option is.

Strictly speaking, an attempt for a mesothelioma cure through surgery is usually done for palliative reasons - that is, to make the patient feel more comfortable or improve their quality of life. Mesothelioma is usually diagnosed in late stages so that curative surgery is almost always impossible. For lung mesothelioma, surgery usually involves removal of the lung linings to control fluid build-up, lessen breathing difficulties and lessen pain.

Radiation therapy is usually recommended for patients with health too fragile for surgery. It is easier to tolerate than chemotherapy, and causes the least side effects. It involves irradiation from an external beam and is usually administered anywhere from 5 days up to 5 weeks, also for palliative purposes.

Chemotherapy does not assure a mesothelioma cure, but may go a long way to provide relief from the many painful symptoms of this illness. A number of chemotherapy drugs and their combinations are being used to help prolong the life of a mesothelioma sufferer, but with the usual difficult chemotherapy side effects. Chemotherapy can be administered in pill or injected form, and the current preferred drug combination is Cisplatin and Alimta.

A mesothelioma cure has not been established to date, but treatment can theoretically be curative as long as the cancer is completely removed from the body. It should be noted though that even if a mesothelioma cure is achieved, it does not rule out the possibility of recurrence.

